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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Confidence and Arrogance

Self-confidence is the most beautiful thing you can have,

My sister asked me what’s the difference between self-confidence and arrogance? Am I self- confident or arrogant? she asked me! And we had a long discussion about this, at last she asked me to write about this on my blog. So here it is. Expressing my views and sharing some tips on how to maintain balance and what’s the difference between the term self-confidence and arrogance. Read the blog till the end followed by some tips for effective and efficient living.

Believe in yourself,

People often fail to maintain balance between self-confidence and arrogance in their lives. Having self-confidence in life to achieve something is another task. Being self confident means trying to be best version of yourself. Keep updating yourself. We all are aware of the term humbleness or humility or modesty. How many of you have understood the true meaning of this word? How many of you have included this in your life? We try but we are not able to do it properly. Self-confidence and modesty go hand- in- hand.

Avoid Arrogance

Arrogance and humbleness are completely opposite on scale. Who is humble can be self confident. Self-confidence means to be best version of yourself. Being better than yesterday. By saying be the best version of yourself doesn’t mean that you’re the best in the world. The moment you start thinking that you’re the best in the entire world, your self-confidence turns into arrogance. There’s a very thin line between self-confidence and arrogance. People often get confused, they do not know when they became an arrogant person from self confident.

Self-confidence means I’m the best version of myself. On the other hand, arrogance means I’m the best in the world.

Read again.

There is a difference between the two. Keep Learning, Keep your mind, heart and wakefulness open to learn from people around you. There’s always something to learn from people around you. Everybody has so much to offer. Remember Arrogance stops you to learn. The moment you become arrogant, you stop learning. Arrogance is the significant barrier of self growth. The moment you think you know everything, you know it all and you need no improvement is the greatest enemy of growth. If you want to be self confident, Learning is very important factor which helps you to grow. To be the better version of yourself, one should have the feeling of improvement, to learn something and to grow.

Have Self-confidence,

To grow actually; Self-confidence is great, Arrogance is not. Trust yourself to do the best. Tips to balance self-confidence and to avoid arrogance is to open your mind to learn something wherever you go. Now at this point when I say open your mind to learn, that means learn or grab the knowledge, skills from people who is equal to you, lower to you as well as higher than you. It’s hard to hear from people equal to you. The psychology behind this is when you hear to people who is higher than you, you put them in the position of authority. When it comes to hear people equal to you, ego and envy comes between. Lastly, when it comes to hear people lower than you, psychology behind is you think you know better and more than them. Everybody offers something. Learn from experiences of others. Listen to them, learn and grow.

Don’t go through life, grow through life!


I heard that, when you’re simply talking you are only repeating what you know but when you’re listening to others, you are actually learning something. I found this important and sharing what I heard with you all. Do not doubt your abilities and do not overthink what people will say. Follow your heart, your intuition and focus on your path. Avoid too focused on suggestions or comments of others, it will affect your mental health. Listen to your inner voice, shouldn’t care about with others think and trust yourself. I tried many tricks and tips to boost my self-confidence, many books and practising learning with listening helped me a lot. I guess it will help you all as well. ” Because one believes in oneself, one doesn’t try to convince with oneself, one doesn’t need others approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her – Lao Tzu.” YOU CAN DO BETTER !

Also Read – Win battle of life / Find BALANCE in LIFE / Tips for better brain health


This is my personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of people or organization that I may or may not be related with unless stated explicitly. The content is copyright solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about. This blog just provides a snapshot of the knowledge, views, and opinions that I hold at a particular point of time and these might most probably change over a period of time. I reserve the right to evolve my knowledge, thoughts, and viewpoints over time and to change them without assigning any reason.

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