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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Self Attestation

How self attestation looks like ?

Self attestation involves accepting your own internal experiences, such as your thoughts and feelings. This doesn’t mean that all of your internal experiences are justified. Sometimes you will experience thoughts, emotions and feelings that are not straighten with you. But fighting against your internal experience will only increase anxiety and distract you from what you can do to bring your internal experience into balancing with yourself. This is why self-acceptance is the initial step. Then you can begin to reflect and aim for change. This blog is about the different forms of self attestation. Reflecting on your feelings is one of them. There is also other side of story, self invalidation happens when we deny to ourselves. It happens when we deny to our true real inner experiences – Thoughts and feelings.

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You’ve been conditioned to react to your experiences in a certain way. What is learned can be unlearned.

Believe in your own healing. . .

Our brain is always learning. We learn by experiencing things. When we experience something good that makes us happy, then we continue to do that thing, trust that thing, value that thing. But When we experience something that makes us feel bad , will avoid that thing or fear that thing. When we experience something that helps us survive, will also continue to do that thing, trust it and value it. Over time, patterns of experiences keep repeating in our lives and create a template for how we tend to feel, think and behave to experiences.

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Different forms of self attestation

Reflecting on your feelings– when you approve yourself with some courage, freedom and ability to express your genuine self, you validate yourself. You don’t pretend to be someone else because you give space for your experiences to be expressed. You do not lie to yourself. You’re your real self.

Setting boundaries with your thoughts and feelings– This is important way to preserve your thoughts and feelings. When you do not feel like spending time with someone and saying no is completely healthy, its like setting healthy boundaries. It means agreeing with your own opinions.

Listening to your body needs– Paying attention to your body’s need of hunger and energy, respecting them by accepting these cues and setting boundaries to these cues.

Understanding and accepting the past– This is related to accepting your emotions and behaviours that are triggered by your past.

Remember, do not allow others to approve your inner experiences this will trigger self invalidation. When you seek approval from others you do not trust your thoughts and feelings. because you’re unsure of yourself, how you should be feeling, you start guess yourself, seek reassurance from and others and have trouble making decisions of your own.

Don’t let your struggle become your identity. It’s a moment may be a long moment. Remember it won’t last.

Stay healthy.

Stay connected.

You can do better!

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent of my own. The content is copyright solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about.

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