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Self-Acceptance >>5 Ways to boost Self-Acceptance

Self- Acceptance is something which is very tricky. We often get hard on ourselves. Especially when we are perfectionists or else we have our inner critic screaming loud in ears. So today I wanted to provide some tips on how to help yourself and to those who are struggling with Self-Acceptance. Whether you feel out of place or not accepted by others or when you are very strict on yourselves. People often deal with the term GREAT. They want to be great in everything. This is something which is need to be think about. Read the blog to know more ways to boost Self-Acceptance.

Being stuck in life makes you feel sad and angry. Depressed sometimes.

Even if the pace is slow, slow movement brings satisfaction & happiness.

It can be very tricky battling knowing that you want to improve certain aspects of yourself but also trying to accept who you are right now, almost feels contradicting. But it is not. If you see anyone who is dealing with Self-Acceptance- Listen to them properly. Don’t judge them and what they are going through. Focus on finding solutions to their problem and seek professional help. Don’t forget to ask them how you can help them with their struggles, by talking about mental struggles. Keep in mind to respect their boundaries that they provide. Lastly, avoid diagnosing someone based on their struggles. These tips will definitely help people who is suffering with mental illness and dealing with Self-Acceptance.

5 Ways to boost Self-Acceptance

Be compassionate

Don’t be too hard on yourself and on others during the process. Negative Self-talk destroys self image , avoid doing that. Stand in the way of accepting yourself the way you are.

Let things go >> Self-Acceptance

Focus on things in life that you are doing and that you can control. Let go of the things you can not control. Don’t hold the things in your mind for longer time. It can suppress your self confidence. Confidence and Arrogance

Pick your people

Ensure that you surround yourself with people that are positive, full of enthusiasm and confident. Those who gives you motivation and positive energy, also kind to you. Stay away from negative people, negativity drains.

Try to confront fears and shut your inner critics

Remember that no one is useless, you are not a useless person. Attempt to shut the inner voice that wears you down and second guesses your every move. You are not a bad, useless human. Secondly, think about your fears and think about the outcomes. What could happen? Take a slow steps towards slow confrontation. Small exposure can heal. Self-healing>>Reparent yourself

ways to boost Self-Acceptance

Reframe beliefs

Try to reframe negative thoughts and beliefs into positive ones when they occur. Reframing negative thoughts takes time but it is effective and will surely help. Shift your thinking and your attention to what is happening now vs what happened in the past.

” Embrace the glorious mess that you are. “

Concluding >> Self-Acceptance

Above all, would like to advice not to overthink about anything. Overthinking interfere with other mental processes of healing. It can interfere with your focus and ability to be in the present moment. Overthinking has been linked to having more symptoms of anxiety and depression. It also decrease the quality of sleep, especially night time overthinking. I hope above ways might help you in learning the process of Self-Acceptance, so you are not as self critical about something you did. Overthinking is biased towards the negative. Mindfulness encourages you not to judge somethings as negative or positive. Till then enjoy and live mindfully, accept yourself. You are capable of everything and amazing things. You can do better!

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