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How to Improve your digestion >> Tips & Tricks

In this blog I’m going to share some tips and tricks to improve your digestion which might be helpful on daily basis. Small changes can make a huge difference for your good digestion. In this blog you will be able to know the importance of healthy gut and how gut affects your mood and mental health as well. Occasionally digestive problems are very common and there are several possible causes. It could be your diet or stress. Symptoms of poor digestive system and digestion often go away of their own. But some simple home remedies and tips can ease discomfort. To know more about digestive system and process of digestion read the blog till the end. Below tips are based on my educational research and personal experiences.

An unhealthy diet or bad lifestyle can cause more digestive irregularities and few lifestyle changes can resolve the problems of same. Home remedies might help you in improving your digestion and for longer term you need to make some lifestyle changes. Let me tell you some common digestive problems- it could be gas, bloating, stomach discomfort, heartburn, nausea, constipation and diarrhea. To overcome these digestive problems below are some tips and tricks that are definitely helpful and easy to do.

Tips to Improve your digestion

Start your day with a morning drink –

Start your morning with any drink of your choice i.e. Mint tea, Hot water with lemon, cumin or fennel water. Cumin and fennel seed water detox your body and help to stimulate your digestion. It also balances the temperature of your body. On the other hand hot water with lemon helps to kick start your digestive system. It also helps in energizing you in the morning. During the day if you feel any gas or bloating related issue, this hot water lemon drink can instantly make you feel better. This (cumin and fennel seed water) is something which can be sip out through out the day.

Keep moving your body-

No matter what you do, make sure you have enough body movement. Performing gentle exercise or simple long walk can be helpful for your digestive system. Being active makes food to digest properly and movement of food inside the body. A walk can ease the problem of bloating and gas. It reduces the feeling of fullness. A little workout might be helpful for proper digestion of food which later helps you proper cleaning (Process of excretion) of your digestive system. (A good poop)

Chew your food properly-

Now this is something which is underrated. when you chew your food for proper time inside your mouth, it produces saliva. Now saliva (Secreted by salivary glands) is something which helps you to digest your food very beginning in your mouth. Saliva softens your food and make easy to get passed into the stomach. Chewing your food properly is important for good digestion. If you don’t to do so, there might be problem of gas or bloating, and the food remain undigested.

Eat more fibre and avoid these food items to Improve your digestion-

We all react different to different food items. Some food items can cause discomfort, hence it should be avoided. Processed food, spices , fried foods, acidic foods such as citrus fruits and vinegar, artificial sweeteners as well. Limiting the intake of these food items can improve your digestive process. Also ready to eat foods are high in sugar and saturated fats, they can be harder to digest by the body. Include more fibre in your diet. Good source of fibrous foods are- whole grains, fruits & vegetables and beans. You should consume enough amount of water through out the day for the proper absorption of fibre. Secondly, Fibre has wide range of health benefits which is lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of heart disease. Overall include more fibre in your diet.

Include fermented foods-

Fermented foods such as, probiotic yogurt, fermented fruits & vegetables, kombucha ( a drink with lots of health benefits) and wine and some amount of cheeses as well. Including these in your diet will might help you improving digestion. Fermented foods are rich in microorganisms- Bacteria. These bacteria helps in digestion, Few bacteria occur naturally in our gut. But Fermented foods contains bacteria more which ease digestion and support your digestive system and also maintains good gut health.

Consult a doctor If-

If you experience severe digestive problems for longer period of time, they may result into digestive diseases (Acid reflux, Irritable bowel syndrome and celiac disease, food allergies as well). A proper medication and use of antibiotics can overcome these digestive diseases. See your doctor immediately if you feel any discomfort and symptoms related to this.

Concluding >> Improve your digestion with these tricks

Giving yourself a stomach massage in the morning before going to washroom ( you know what I mean). Doing this will make your stomach muscles relaxed. Start massaging from left to right direction in circular motion softly. While doing this make sure your breathing activity is active, keep breathing properly throughout the process. With each breathe, it will help you to relaxing your muscles easily. You can also practice this before your meal. It will help in movement of food easily. Instead of ginger, use apple cider vinegar ( a spoon before meal or later by mixing it in a half glass of water) ( fermented food) for good digestion. Avoid excess use of ginger in your meals. Lastly, use Indian toilets- Sitting in a proper position while excreting help complete cleaning of intestinal tract. Also it prevents from severe conditions like colon cancer, other colorectal cancer as well. In the end all I would like to say is love your food, while eating your meal get rid of distractions. Focus on what you eat and think about your food. That’s all for this blog. Try the above given tips and tricks to Improve your digestion. Also don’t forget to share with your family and friends. Remember- You can do better !

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DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent of my own based on educational research. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about.

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