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Saturday, May 4, 2024

Why you need to eat more greens

Eating more green leafy vegetables as a healthy portion everyday benefits your body in many ways. Here I am talking about why you need to eat more greens. Leafy greens are full of health benefits. Brimming with fibre, vitamins and minerals, green leafy vegetables can prevent you from many diseases including heart diseases, diabetes and cancer as well. By consuming enough greens everyday your body can feel more satisfied by getting essential nutrients required by body to function properly.

Health benefits of eating more greens

Here are some reasons to eat more greens and how they help for better well- being.

  • Protect Eyes– Foods rich in antioxidants are good for eye health. Eating more green leafy vegetables can help protect against eye diseases and help you for overall health. As per the research, to keep your eyes healthy you should eat foods rich in certain vitamins and minerals (Antioxidants) which are high in greens. Along with greens, one should add eggs, fruits like red berries, kiwi, red and green bell peppers to their diet. Salmon, flax seeds are also good source of essential fatty acids which are good for good eye health.
  • Weight management– Greens are low in calories and good source of fibre as well. So one can add more greens to their plate without worrying of extra weight. Adding leafy veggies can help you reduce cravings for less nutritious foods. There have been some studies which shows the subject of fat burning capabilities of kale and spinach has came out a winner. So add more greens if you are trying to lose weight.
  • Cardiovascular diseases– Greens are low in fats and dietary fibre, hence are good for heart and can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Greens are also rich in folic acid, Vitamin C, Magnesium and Potassium that are helpful for heart disease prevention. In particular greens are rich in Vitamin K which helps in protecting arteries and proper blood circulation.
  • Bone health– Leafy greens and other nutrients rich foods are good for bones and bone health. High levels of potassium and magnesium along with Vitamin K, helps in the production of osteocalcin, which are known for bone builders. Foods like salt, hydrogenated oils weaken bones so that should be observed on daily basis.
  • Immune function– Now comes Immune system and its functioning. Dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale are amazing immune boosting foods and should be on your healthy menu. If not frequently try to add it on alternative way. If not then here’s why- they contain Vitamin C, K and folate which are good immune boosters.
Why you need to eat more greens

Which green vegetables you should eat?

There are many green leafy vegetables one can add to their plate. Here is the list of greens which are commonly available.

  • Spinach- Contains folate, Vitamin C, K and A. You can eat it in both way either cooked or raw as salad.
  • Cabbage- This is excellent source of Vitamin C and cancer fighting elements.
  • Kale- Contains almost all the goodness present in leafy vegetables. Rich in Vitamin C, K and A, calcium, folate, potassium and fibre. Good for heart and can prevent or slow down cancer.
  • Cucumber- Super hydrating and more nutritious than water.
  • Broccoli- Rich in protein and fibre. Also consist of Vitamins and minerals. Broccoli contains cancer fighting compound Sulforaphane (also found in cabbage).
  • Celery- Contains many anti- inflammatory nutrients.
  • Lettuce- High in fibre and helps to clean the digestive system.
  • Small leafy greens like mint, parsley, thyme, cilantro and fenugreek are potent in nutrients similar to the larger green leafy veggies as stated above.

Concluding- Eat your greens regularly for better health

Greens are important part of daily diet and are available with so much of variety in the market. It becomes easy to add them on your plate in any manner you want. Always try to choose crispy leaves with fresh green color. Try to avoid using leaves when they turned yellow or brown, that means they are aging and are losing their flavor. This is all for this one, see you soon with another Health and Wellness blog. Till then eat healthy and be happy. You can do better.

Recent blog- How to keep your thoughts positive?

Recommend reading- Healthy foods to eat everyday

Also readThings to eat after 8 PM

Image credit- https://www.canva.com/

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent of my own based on educational research. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about.

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