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Saturday, May 18, 2024

Things to eat after 8 PM

It’s very common listening this phrase – Don’t eat after 8 PM! Currently I’m working on my weight loss, so I came across about the concept of calories intake during the day and night. This blog is all about the Things to eat after 8 PM. Also sharing the concept of calories intake throughout the day. As long as you stick to your goal of losing weight- eat fewer calories than you burn. A study suggest that eating food late night or after 8 PM is the worst time to eat. This is due to eating food late night might be the cause of many health problems and weight gain. It shows that eating late night could raise insulin levels, cholesterol and fasting glucose levels.

Is eating late night promotes weight gain?

Though several animal studies have linked to weight gain due to eating late. Human studies show that eating beyond your calorie needs leads to weight gain, unrelated to what time of day you eat. In addition to that when your total calorie intake falls within the needs weight gain doesn’t appear to happen entirely as a result of eating late night. Researches have shown that those who eat at night tend to eat more as compared to day and therefore consumes extra calories. Over time, excessive amount of calories can leads to weight gain. On the hand, during the day we are disciplined to what we eat but at the end of the day we often wolf down to handful of cookies or chips or whatever is convenient. Also, we tend to eat more when we consume food in front of TV or computer screen.

Things to eat after 8 PM

So when I started my weight loss journey- I made my mind to eat healthy or not to eat late or after 8 PM. Late night snacking is a very common habit among many and it is not because you are still hungry. Sometimes it is because you’re bored, tired or upset due to certain things may be emotional triggering. But more often we reach out to quick fixes to satisfy cravings and eating healthy is hardly an option. Our solution? Here are list of certain things to eat after 8 PM which I found that won’t lead to weight gain only if you watch your calorie intake.

List of healthy snacks to eat after 8 PM-

  • Greek yogurt – A cup of Greek yogurt is low in sugar (59 calories/100 gms) high in protein as well. So you will feel full quicker without eating too much before sleep. You can also add Banana (has muscle relaxant properties, source of Fibre, Potassium, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C, antioxidants) or other fruits to add extra flavor and sweetness.
  • Dark chocolate – A bite of dark chocolate (contains less sugar than a normal milk chocolate) is not only good for your heart. Also improves brain health and lower the risk of diabetes. It is packed with full of antioxidants and can fix your late night cravings without weight gain.
  • Hummus with sticks of carrots– Having few sticks of carrots after 8 PM with hummus can quickly fix your cravings. Carrots are high in protein but make sure have them not more than your daily intake of proteins.
  • A cup of blueberries– Blueberries are full of fibre, vitamins and antioxidants and makes a great option as a snack for midnight or after 8 PM. You can pair it with Greek yogurt and you’ve got yourself a healthy snack.
  • A bowl of cereal – A simple and effective snack. A bowl of cereal with almond milk or any other milk of your choice will fill you up for the night and still leave you for big morning breakfast. The trick here is to find right cereal with good amount of fibre in it and have moderate levels of sugar and hold not more than 250 calories/cup. Use cereals made up of whole grains.

Food to avoid late night

When snacking after 8 PM or midnight, avoid food items – Anything with caffeine, entirely big meals, prepackaged snacks, meat and alcohol. These food items will either mess up with your sleep or will load you up with unnecessary sugar, fats or sodium.

Things to eat after 8 PM

Is it bad to eat late night?

While the myth of eating after 8 PM or before bed causes weight gain is not entirely true. Eating before bed frequently can causes weight gain because of two factors- Eating a snack before bed can add extra calories so if you have been eating calorie planned diet, any snacking will cause you to weigh up. Secondly, Eating foods which are high in carbs, sugars and salts before sleeping will break your meal planning as you won’t be able to wake up as hungry. Meaning either you will skip breakfast or entire meal. That’s all for this one. Hope this helps you in some manner. Share your thoughts on eating late night and suggestions are welcome. Till then enjoy eating healthy and remember you can do better!

Also read- Healthy foods to eat everyday

Recent blog- How to have mindful habits – Tips

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DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent of my own based on educational research. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about.

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