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Monday, April 29, 2024

7 Ways To Break Your Phone Addiction

What is phone addiction? How many of hours on phone is addiction? Is it possible to break a phone addiction? If you are among the one who can’t resist smartphone and it makes very difficult for you to present fully for yourself, your work or those around you? Then you are addicted to your phone my friend. Majority of population as whole lot admitted to being addicted to their devices in a recent study. Also it has been found that they get agitated when their phones weren’t in a sight. Do you know why you are addicted to your phone? And why we easily get addicted to our smartphones? Answering all theses question later in this blog. Here are 7 ways to Break your Phone Addiction and causes of phone addiction. let’s dive into it.

Why we easily get addicted to phone ? 

People who have emotional as well as psychological issues such as stress, depression, social anxiety and loneliness; can easily get addicted to technology or say to their devices. In current scenario smartphones & tabs connect us to social media, videos, games and to the many apps. Do you know why? because they gives us pleasure. Spending more than an hour at once leads people to be less fit than those who use their cell phones less. Majorly all that phoning thing can take a serious count on our health, happiness and relationships.

What are the causes of Phone Addiction ? 

There is always a way to scale it down. Moreover our work, social lives along with entertainment have become unescapable bind to our smartphones or any other devices. Secondly, the pandemic has made this even worse. On this point I would like to add that not all smartphone use is considered as bad. Sometimes it makes us happier & connect us to other people. but now many people want to cut back and break the pattern. There are effective ways to do it.

7 Ways To Break Your Phone Addiction

7 Ways To Break your Phone Addiction  

  • Get an actual alarm clock instead of setting the alarm on the phone.
  • Turn off your phone notifications.
  • Stop charging your phone near your bed.
  • Set a clear intention for picking up your phone and why. Put it aside as soon as you’ve done.
  • Try a phone free day once a week.
  • Delete apps that are addictive and not useful to you.
  • Try spending time out to places near by without your phone. Give yourself some time.


Till date phone or screen over use is not considered as a disorder or say addiction as per the American Psychiatric Association official manual of mental disorders. Many of us can identify some of these behaviours in our own usage of phones. Regardless of that I believe that there are ways to reduce your phone use. You need to set rules around your daily use of phones my friend. Find a way which ever is best for you to distance yourself from your phone each day. Stop allowing your phone to join you in every experience and eventually you are going to use it less.

Also I suggest to ask yourself that – Is there something I could be doing that would be much better or purposeful for me? I’m sure you will find the best answer to this question. Take care of yourself and share this article with your loved ones. You can do better !

Recent Blog –7 Manifestation Methods To Achieve Your Goals

Also Read- Tricks for Mental Freedom/ Health

Image Credit – Unsplash 

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent of my own. The content is copyright solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about.

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