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Thursday, April 25, 2024

Relationship Tips

“You never want to spend time with me”! We all say something like this and one can relate surely. This is the beginning of arguments, conflicts, different opinions & thoughts and meaningless fights. Try not to say this while you communicate or when you talk to your partner. Here are few Relationship Tips that might be a strive for a improvement. There is nothing like good perfect relationship, we all get stuck chasing the idea of perfect relationship. Perfect relationship don’t exist. Avoid being prefect in a relationship. In my opinion we should try to let go the idea of perfection and instead of that strive for improvement. It is attainable, while perfection is not. Sharing some ideas and my thoughts on what makes and ruins relationship. Read till the end to know what it is all about and share if you agree.

Instead of this response :

People often complains about not spending time together without analyzing the facts. Along with that many argue without knowing about emotional safety (What is emotional safety to you?). Emotions plays an important role maintaining security in relationships. Also we usually get defensive and end up invalidating partner’s concern. During arguments unknowingly people escalate the situation and leaving no space for resolution.

Your relationship does not have to be perfect to be wonderful . .

Relationship Tips

Try this one : Relationship Tips

Avoid complaining and arguing facts neglecting concerns and feelings of your partner. It is more important to establish emotional security first before you get defensive. Avoid being defensive in relationships. Secondly try to hear your partner’s needs that will make a difference and understand the concern he/ she shows. Try to make more space for each other needs to be heard and for resolution as well. Be more likely to drop the situation. Be more open to say what you feel keeping in mind of not accusing anyone. Try to tell what you want or need in a calm way and talk about it in a way that feels good for both of you. Instead of invalidating partner’s concern ask- How can I help you feel more comfortable and emotionally supported? This would be pretty direct. You can include your own ways making your partner understand your point of view. I’m sure this will helps only if both partners will work together. You know what really also helps- when couple take few minutes after work to talk about each other’s day.


I would say the priority for couples is to feel secure and to be heard in a relationships. Which means they have the skills to maintain connection and security and if they don’t have- learn to have these skills soon. In addition, they are able to repair relatively quickly when there are damages in a relationship. Try to avoid those behaviors which damages the connection and makes way for negative communication. Always keep in mind that- one partner is not the only problem. It is not something which is only one’s responsibility to work on person ability to achieve intimacy. Both need to work together as a team if your relationship and your person really matters to you on daily basis. It is not something which can be achieve very easily- Negative communication and real behaviors can ruin your relationship and old attachments as well. Make way for possibilities and will come again with another relationship tips soon talking about emotional security n all. Sharing some related blog links for you check them too. You can do better!

Read Related- Involvement of THIRD PERSON in Relationships

Also read- Why do we lose control of our emotions

Recent blog- Ultimate Guide to >>Discovering self

Pic credit- https://www.canva.com/

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent of my own. The content is copyright solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about.

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