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Saturday, April 27, 2024

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes

Not only they are packed with fibre, they are highly rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Here are 5 Amazing Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes that might help you achieve your health goal. Sweet potatoes are sweet root vegetable that are found worldwide. They come in variety of colours and are rich in minerals, antioxidants and fibre. Not to mention, having a number of health benefits, they are easy to to add in your diet.

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes

Highly Nutritious

For me, sweet potatoes are far better than white potatoes. Sweet Potatoes are lower in glycemic value as compared to white potatoes. As I said these are great source of fibre, vitamins and minerals. Especially, purple sweet potatoes are rich in antioxidants and protect our body from free radicals. Free radicals are kind of molecules which can linked to chronic diseases like cancer, ageing and heart diseases.

Good for Gut Health

Presence of fibre and antioxidants are good for gut health and addition to that there are two types of fibre found in sweet potatoes which are soluble and insoluble. Human body cannot digest either of them, so fibre stays within body and provides a variety of gut-related health benefits. Antioxidants present in sweet potatoes are also good for gut health.

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes

Cancer- fighting Properties

As discussed above, sweet potatoes have various antioxidants, which may help protect our body from cancer causing agents. Anthocyanin (a group of antioxidants) found in purple sweet potatoes, decline the growth of certain type of cancer cells in body including stomach and breast.

Enhances Vision and Brain Function

Do you know about beta carotene? Beta carotene is the antioxidant known for the vegetable’s bright colours. Adding sweet potato into your diet can help you having good vision and improves brain function as well. Beta carotene is first converted into Vitamin A and then used by body receptors. Moreover, deficiency of Vitamin A can cause night blindness. However, eating foods rich in Beta carotene can prevent this condition and including purple sweet potato can improves brain function.

Boosts Immune System 

Last but not the least, Vitamin A is crucial for healthy immune system and orange fleshed sweet potatoes is rich in Beta carotene which can later converted into Vitamin A inside our body. The gut is the place where our body is exposed to many potential diseases causing pathogens. Vitamin A is also a key for maintaining healthy mucous membranes in the lining of gut. Deficiency of same can cause gut inflammation and reduces the ability of immune system response to threats.


Undoubtedly, sweet potatoes can be added very easily in diet. It can be enjoyed with or without skin and can be boiled, baked and fried or steamed. I enjoy eating it steamed with black pepper and black salt. As their natural sweetness can be paired with any seasoning. I found some popular ways to enjoy sweet potatoes and these include – chips, fries, toasts, mashed sweet potatoes and baked ones. Adding little olive oil or pure desi ghee can help boosts the absorption of Beta carotene as it is fat-soluble nutrient. Lastly, sweet potatoes are versatile food and can be prepared in sweet or savoury form. I hope this article is helpful to you. See you soon in my next one. You can do better!

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes

Also read- Things to eat after 8 PM

Recent Blog- Beauty In Simplicity

Image credit- https://unsplash.com

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent of my own based on educational research. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about.


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