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Hunger and Poverty



In traditional societies … within groups childrens are particularly badly affected. They suffer heavily because of structural inequalities.

Women have little access to education or opportunities to earn a livelihood. At the same time, they frequently struggle with the double burden of farm work and raising children. As a result, many children do not receive enough care or food. A lack of knowledge about nutrition and hygiene issues increases this risk. 

Hunger is strongest in rural areas. 

Invest in people

Empowerment for change

Causes behind hunger : 

  • Lack of access to food- Most major food and nutrition crises do not occur because of a lack of food, but rather because people are too poor to obtain enough food. Non-availability of food in markets, difficult access to markets due to lack of transportation, and insufficient financial resources are all factors contributing to the food insecurity of the most vulnerable populations.
  • Poverty- Poverty alone does not lead to malnutrition, but it seriously affects the availability of adequate amounts of nutritious food for the most vulnerable populations. Over 90 percent of malnourished people live in developing countries.
  • Conflicts – Conflicts have a direct impact on food security, drastically compromising access to food. Often forced to flee as violence escalates, people uprooted by conflict lose access to their farms and businesses, or other means of local food production and markets. Abandoned fields and farms no longer provide food to broader distribution circuits.
  • Lack of safe drinking water – Water is synonymous with life. Lack of potable water, poor sanitation, and dangerous hygiene practices increase vulnerability to infectious and water-borne diseases, which are direct causes of acute malnutrition.
  • Diseases – Certain illnesses and infections, such as tuberculosis, measles, and diarrhoea are directly linked to acute malnutrition. A combination of disease and malnutrition weakens the metabolism creating a vicious cycle of infection and undernourishment, leading to vulnerability to illness.
  • seasonal migration and climate change – the number of natural disasters — droughts, cyclones, floods, etc. — linked to climate change has increased substantially.  The effects of climate change are often dramatic, devastating areas which are already vulnerable. Infrastructure is damaged or destroyed; diseases spread quickly; people can no longer grow crops or raise livestock. 

How can we stop hunger ? 

  • Feed the need – create a team or join any group of people/ organisation those contribute towards in this aspect. 
  • Community fridge or magic fridge – which provide the food to those who need … anyone can install fridge in their society at the entrance of resident and others can contribute by storing left over food instead of wasting. 
  • Roti bank – there are many initiative… by group of people who help feeding 1000 people on daily basis. Contact them and help to reach their aim. 
  • No food wastage- try not to waste food on daily basis and if it does , think and make ways and reach to those who need that food it may be your house helper or your watchman .. anyone around. 

Help each other  to create a world without hunger and offer a better future to people worldwide. 

Socially deprived

We can only if we really want to! 



Poverty is a great enemy to human happiness



DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog, the views and opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of people or organization that I may or may not be related with unless stated explicitly. The content is copyrighted solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy.

Express Gratitude

Before you complain about school, remember that some people can’t even get an education.

Before you complain about getting fat, remember that some people don’t even have food.

Before you complain about your job, remember that some people don’t even have money.

Before you complain about your house or cleaning the house, remember that some people don’t even have any shelter.

Before you complain about all these things on social media using your smartphones, without any consideration of how blessed you are, just be thankful for a minute!

Being thankful is one of the simplest and yet most powerful habits any one can cultivate. By doing this you can condition your mind to look good in everything around you. Soon enough, you’ll unconsciously begin to see the bright side of things and feel better about life. You can’t feel bad if you’re feeling thankful. Showing gratitude, most people struggle with it. It’s much easier to focus on burdens than on gifts; to devote your attention to the things you don’t have rather than the things you do have.

The more you count your blessings, the more blessing you’ll have to count.

Remember, there might be many things in your world that are going wrong. Yet there are also many things that are going right.

I’m not saying your problem doesn’t exist, it does. But try instead to focus your energy on solutions to those problems. the illusion of fear is the only limitation we have. . when you feel thankful, grateful and content in your own life and in your own experiences than you will find that want less. you’ll find that you’re actually more satisfied with where you are and with what you already have in life.

Peaceful living

We make life all about a future that exists only in our imagination and completely miss what’s happening in front of us.

You can do better !
Be grateful and express gratitude. Pic – https://pixabay.com/

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog, the views and opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of people or organization that I may or may not be related with unless stated explicitly. The content is copyrighted solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about. This blog just provides a snapshot of the knowledge, views, and opinions that I hold at a particular point of time and these might most probably change over a period of time. I reserve the right to evolve my knowledge, thoughts, and viewpoints over time and to change them without assigning any reason. Comments are welcome. However, note that, tasteless and insulting comments may be deleted. Any personal remarks and attacks may be deleted. The same holds true for off-topic comments. Any comments that reek of link spam or marketing messages WILL be deleted.
I am not responsible for the content in comments other than those made by me, or in blogs or other online content that I may link to.

Individuality and Mindset


It’s important to recognize that it’s not  unjust to let go of those who show no concern for you. Mindset.

Mindset is everything

To achieve a sense of peace we need balance. Balance between work and play, balance between action and patients, spending and saving, living and staying, laughter and seriousness. It’s all about Individuality and mindset. Failing to achieve a balance across every area of your life can leave you feeling exhausted, among many other unpleasant emotions, such as guilt. by taking a balanced approach,  you can feel more at ease and avoid any bad feelings, such as guilt. You can demonstrate both action and patience you can show that you are understanding and forgiving. So what does this have to do with self love? Well, the phrase self love is often misunderstood. self love encourages acceptance, but many people use this as an excuse to remain unchallenged. Mindset is everything.

Mindset and self-love

When it comes to self love think about what it means to love others unconditionally. for example, your partner may have annoying habits but this doesn’t mean you love them any less. You accept them as they are and sometimes even learn from their flaws, you also want what’s best for them. Therefore if a particular habit were  affecting their health you would support them in making positive changes. This demonstrates your unconditional love for them. An understanding of self love allows us to find balance between mindset and action. True self love can be present in anything that adds value to your life from your diet to your spiritual rituals. The way you interact with your personal relationships. Without balance we will regularly stumble, fall and feel lost.

When you love yourself life will begin to love you back. The balance between mindset and action will enable you to vibrate higher. What you consume consumes you what consumes you controls your life. 

Read- Managing Mindset

Everything you eat and drink is important as it affects your vibration and reality. So if your intake is good .. a vibration also changes. By expressing gratitude, we not only transform our vibrational state to become more magnetic to the good things but we also become able to put things into perspective. We go through each day constantly comparing ourselves to others and most of us rarely acknowledge that we have what others may desire. We also tend to compare ourselves to those we considered more fortunate than us rather than those who are less fortunate. Just think of the amount of people who have to live through war on a daily basis but we are completely safe from such troubles and many more that we hear about in the news.

Mindset development. Pic credit- https://pixabay.com/

About positive thinkers

The issue many of us have when we try to become positive thinkers is that we ignore the transformation process. We assume that it’s better to wipe out negative thoughts.. numb our feelings and move on to more positive ideas. This is often ineffective because you are just trying to trick yourself into thinking things are ok . When your true feelings suggest otherwise repressed feelings can become toxic within your system and can eventually cause damage ( mental damage). If such venomous thought sits deep within your mind it will reappear when you experience a similar situation in the future. Not only will this lower your vibration but the continuity of this fat and can also damage your mental health and in turn your physical health. You may also become extremely toxic for others to be around making you lonely and misery.

Feedback is important

Constructive opinions can be very beneficial to our growth but destructive ones that demoralize as don’t have a positive purpose abuse and criticism disguised as a feedback doesn’t deserve our attention. Lastly try to commit yourself to living life in a more optimistic manner, give up on unhealthy habits and embraced positivity as often as you can. Stay away from people who labelled you as a fake personality this distance can make you feel better. 

Struggles – Conquer and move on

your individuality is a blessing not a burden if you try to be like everyone else your life will be no greater than theirs by following the crowd you will become a part of it and fail to stand out by travel in the same road as them you won’t get the chance to see anything different from what they see. 

The truth is that, either way, you’re going to be judged.. whether you live life on your own terms or on other people’s.


We can always improve ourselves and grow as individuals. We can step out of our comfort zone and challenge ourselves. But society often makes us feel like we’re wrong for just being ourselves. Let them call you what they want. You don’t have to play the part you don’t want to. Create your own part to play in the world.

You can do better !

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog, the views and opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of people or organization that I may or may not be related with unless stated explicitly. The content is copyrighted solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy.

Peaceful living


Due to current scenario, we all are going through some old and new kind of mental illness or should I say going thru depression, stress, fear as well as anxiety. This is more relevant I guess. So let’s talk about ;

Be kind to your mind and body.

take care of your body and soul…

If you’re living with high levels of stress, you’re putting your entire well-being at risk. Stress wreaks havoc on your emotional equilibrium, as well as your physical health. It narrows your ability to think clearly, function effectively, and enjoy life. It may seem like there’s nothing you can do about stress. The bills won’t stop coming, there will never be more hours in the day, and your work and family responsibilities will always be demanding. But you have a lot more control than you might think.

Depression affects 1 out of every 10 adults. Many are high-functioning people like you, who appear “normal” on the outside but are inwardly struggling with the demons that are always present. The constant looming dark cloud that never goes away, the voice inside that tells you that things are bad, life is not worth living, that it will never get better.
Living with Depression is exhausting and drains the energy and life out of you. You feel alone, afraid, trapped in your private hell. I know, because I’ve been there too.

Read : Decision – making /////Notice good things

You can beat depression and can live life again

Give a chance .. live once again.

It is normal to experience feelings of sadness and despair in response to adverse life events. Such events could include loss, major life changes, stress, or disappointment. No one knows exactly what causes depression. It is clear that genetic factors are important in many cases of depression. Stressful life events play a part in the onset or relapse of depression. Ongoing conflicts with others can take their toll on our well-being, as can other social and environmental stressors such as financial difficulties, retirement, unemployment, childbirth, loneliness, or loss of someone or something important.

In vulnerable people, these unpleasant life events may be enough to cause or worsen a depressive illness. A person’s personality characteristics are an important factor. When people are depressed, they usually have a very negative view of themselves and the world. They do not appreciate good things, and bad things seem overwhelming. Some people have a tendency to view things this way even when they are not depressed. In other words, they may have a depressive personality style. What to do now? Below are some possible way by which you can help yourself to overcome such issues: (I’m not a pro in this, just sharing my thoughts or ways that helped me out with my mental health)

  • Know how you feel and why? – source of your mental illness. Get to root of your feelings. 
  • Reach out to some one – Talking to some whom you trust and believe..  
  • Listen to some good music – anything you like. This change your mood instantly, make you feel less alone and music can heal . 
  • Cuddle or play with pets- spend quality time with your pet if you have, otherwise you can also spend time with homeless pets as well. 
  • Go for a walk – Nature walks play a major role if you want to feel lively again. Best therapy ever for me.
  • Drink some healthy drinks and fresh juices- There are many health benefits of eating healthy food and healthy drinks as well. So this might help.
  • Look through old photographs and old memories that put smiles on your face not that makes you feel sad. 
  • Hug someone. ( This is my personal favourite) whom you admire.. whom you love. 
  • Cry – that releives pain. 
  • Laugh – for no reason . Watch funny movie and spend time with random people. Yes you can do that. 
  • Focus on what truly matters to you. 
  • Get out of the house and observe people around you. Write something. 
  • Take a mental vacation. let your mind wander. 
  • Let go. This is a very simple mantra of mine. I usually say it to myself multiple times each day, which has been very liberating and empowering.
  • Last but not the least. READ . this is my mantra to releives stress and depression for me. 

Read: Right choices

This is all I wanted to share with you all. Let me know in comment section. And if you like this information and my thoughts then do share with your family and friends and spread happiness around you. Never ever loose hope. Remember we can start over again only if we want to..

Will come soon with another blog.. till then keep smiling and laugh as much as you can. Love, listen to people around you, help them to figure out what they want without judging them. Please. This is a new beginning towards better mental health. Let’s help each other and Love each other. Life is too short for such issues. You can do better.

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog, the views and opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of people or organization that I may or may not be related with unless stated explicitly. The content is copyrighted solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about. This blog just provides a snapshot of the knowledge, views, and opinions that I hold at a particular point of time and these might most probably change over a period of time. I reserve the right to evolve my knowledge, thoughts, and viewpoints over time and to change them without assigning any reason. Comments are welcome. However, note that, tasteless and insulting comments may be deleted. Any personal remarks and attacks may be deleted. The same holds true for off-topic comments. Any comments that reek of link spam or marketing messages WILL be deleted.
I am not responsible for the content in comments other than those made by me, or in blogs or other online content that I may link to.

Save Nature


We all know how much we love to be in nature. We all need fresh air to breathe, clean water to drink and a healthy surrounding to live. The planet on which we live is full of beauty around us- attractive birds, beautiful flowers, animals, plants, bluesky, land, running rivers, oceans, mountains, valleys and hills, and much more. Isn’t it? Our God has created such a lncredible amazingly beautiful nature for us- for our healthy living. But how many of us try to maintain our nature health and beauty? Ask yourself! We are continuously destroying the originality of our nature and doing nothing to imbalance the ecosystem. Very few of among us are contributing to the nature health. We love to capture nature, hills, flowers and what not? It’s our responsibility to make it clean and away from all the damages. It is one of the greatest blessings for human life; however, nowadays humans fail to recognize it as one. Nature has been an inspiration for many, for me and for many poets, writers and more of yesteryears.

Read: Express Gratitude

Nature is everything as we all know: we are surrounded by like the water we drink, the air we breathe, the sun we soak in, the birds we hear chirping, the moon we gaze at and more. Above all, it is rich and vibrant and consists of both living and non-living things. Therefore, people of the modern age should also learn something from people of yesteryear and start valuing nature before it gets too late. … and by this I mean toooo late. 

Today it’s WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 2020… and it is celebrated every year on this day 05th June. Motive is to create awareness programme-  to celebrate Biodiversity which we have and to learn more ways to ensure future safety of our planet. It’s a high time to get involved into this matter and to contribute in any manner to make it possible for us and for many generations to come. 

Mother Nature has enough for human need but not for human greed.”

— But the human race has been constantly mistreating the environment to fulfil its greed. Human activities are leading us to a global catastrophe. 

So I’m going to list some of easiest ways by which we all can contribute to help to protect our surroundings,  these are common and many of you might be aware and performing in ur daily lives, just reminding to: 

  • Reuse Recycle Reduce: follow the three R’s. Cut down what you throw away. ♻️
  • Educate: Transfer the education to others and help them understand the importance and necessity of natural resources for survival. 📚
  • Plant a tree: we’re doing . .  Still plant more and more trees, add more green in your surroundings. 🌱
  • Bike more. Drive less. (I personally love biking, sometimes drive) 🚴
  • Conserve water: The less water you use, the less runoff and wastewater that eventually end up in the ocean.  💧

In recent days, we all aware what we all are going through, We are harming our nature our world for our own detriment.  Biodiversity loss are acclerating, climate distruption is getting worse;  fires, floods, super storms are more frequent and more damaging, a new corona virus is raging undermining healths and lives. Creating impacts on our lives mentally and physically. To care for humanity we must care for nature. We need to change and we need to educate and transfer whatever the knowledge we have to protect our world and mother earth. 

Put nature to where it belongs. We all can do better. It helps us to heal, let’s heal our nature back. 🌱

You can do better! 

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog, the views and opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of people or organization that I may or may not be related with unless stated explicitly. The content is copyrighted solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about. This blog just provides a snapshot of the knowledge, views, and opinions that I hold at a particular point of time and these might most probably change over a period of time. I reserve the right to evolve my knowledge, thoughts, and viewpoints over time and to change them without assigning any reason. Comments are welcome. However, note that, tasteless and insulting comments may be deleted. Any personal remarks and attacks may be deleted. The same holds true for off-topic comments. Any comments that reek of link spam or marketing messages WILL be deleted.
I am not responsible for the content in comments other than those made by me, or in blogs or other online content that I may link to.


Everybody have different answer to that question depending on the definition of achievement.  Achievements are never measured, for every one of them makes us feel proud of ourselves and our existence. I think we are here to become something better on existential level. For me everything around us is a part of evolution. Time by time we become more mature by situation my time. For some achievement in the life is to fulfill all their dreams; Being topper in whatever they do, when they achieve something which other couldn’t do it. Life has billion dimensions and  purposes. Every organism on earth has a purpose and that purpose is unique to that organism. When you don’t give a shit about what people say, you stick to your goal whatever it takes is the real achievement. There is the height of consciousness which can be achieved by every human being and as a person gets closer to that level we become more creative in his field. Achievement can be classified in various form it could be personal ( friends, families or relatives); it could be academic, it could be related to business or professional work and much more. 

Winning in sports tournament- scoring good marks in examination – becoming head boy of school, this could be an achievement at academic level. Getting a brand new car- living luxurious life could be another achievement for some; when you give happiness to others and you being happy because you are the reason of their smile is one of the achievement. Being a successful person, helping others in which ever where you can saving a life of a person, educating the poor, showing the right path to the person who was in wrong way; helping them to achieve the success, all these are kind of achievements are the real achievements we can say.

Read: Overcome Dissatisfaction

Becoming a better human being! ! ! – is an achievement.”

Everything you do, once you attain understanding are your achievements different people find different evidence, achievements could be ephemeral, highly personal and evolved over time or in relation to context. 

To have the respect of friends, families and colleagues, because of work, we do gives us a sense of achievement.” 

Neither the success permanent nor the failure but if you achieve something you get confidence of facing everything, being happy is depend oneself but I would say  not completely ; whoever you are what you do and that someone remembers is the true meaning of achievement for me. 

  • If you have the ability to help someone, this is  achievement.
  • If someone remember you in their sorrows or  difficult times this is achievement.
  • If your parents are happy to see you today whatever you are in your life is also a kind of achievement.
  • To feed the poor one time, help in one to have shelter and basic survival for their life is also an achievement.
  • To Apologize, to chase your dream, to try again, to forgive, to fly in love, to change, you can do it, when you want (when you realise) is also an achievement in your life.
  • Work on winning each other over again, maintaining a good relationships in your life is also an achievement. . .

let me know in comment section down below what’s your definition of achievement?  What have you achieved till date and what you want to achieve ?What makes you happy. . love to hear that . Writing articles for my readers, replying to your comments makes me happy and brings the total involvement in life is kind of achievement for me. Try Mindful living & Be better. If you like this piece of reading then share with your friends and family. See you soon with more amazing content.

Read: .Smilingstar.

You can do better ! ! !

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog, the views and opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of people or organization that I may or may not be related with unless stated explicitly. The content is copyrighted solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about. This blog just provides a snapshot of the knowledge, views, and opinions that I hold at a particular point of time and these might most probably change over a period of time. I reserve the right to evolve my knowledge, thoughts, and viewpoints over time and to change them without assigning any reason. Comments are welcome. However, note that, tasteless and insulting comments may be deleted. Any personal remarks and attacks may be deleted. The same holds true for off-topic comments. Any comments that reek of link spam or marketing messages WILL be deleted.
I am not responsible for the content in comments other than those made by me, or in blogs or other online content that I may link to.

Listen to understand not to reply

You can’t love people who irritate you, you can only pretend to love them. Instead of pretending, just see that they irritate you and look at why they irritate you. They irritate you simply because they are not the way you expect them to be. They are not the way you want them to be. This irritation is happening because you’ve already decided what’s wrong and what’s right. If they behave in different way, it will irritate you first , then you’ll get angry and then you’ll hate them.

It happens because you expect everyone in the world to be like you. Which is not possible. If everyone in the world was like you, could you be here?
It’s very good that everyone in the world is the way they are. Out of this whole mass of people, if you look at any human being, that person is absolutely unique! There is no other human being like him anywhere on this planet. There never was one and there never will be another such person. This is an absolutely unique human being. If you recognise that he is precious to you, how can he irritate you?. There is no other human being like them. And if you see this, where is the question of irritation?

Only if you are simply blind to life , you’ll get irritated. If you open your eyes and look at life, how can anyone irritate you?

The only way you will become an outpouring of love is by seeing the uniqueness of everything in creation. Well, We all want our relationships to run smoothly, and most couples would agree that it’s not great to drive each other nuts.There’s no doubt that the ability to manage conflict even low-level conflict is an essential relationship skill. But I’d say that there are times when it’s fine even good for partners to annoy each other. Expressing one’s authentic self and odds to someone is a healthy sign of comfort in a relationship. (For some it’s a good sign. What you think readers, share your views in the comment section down below , will surely reply! )

Often, people fear that expressing anger will lead to a fight.However, if you stay calm and focus on the real issues, telling your partner the things that irritate you can improve your relationship. An important thing to remember when communicating your irritation is that the problem needs to be solved. You are not just lashing out in anger, you are trying to create better harmony in your relationship. Therefore, it’s good to suggest an acceptable, specific resolution to the problem. I know it’s going to be very short and long term solutions to a healthy relationship;but it might be helpful. Before you get to any conclusions regarding your irritation or annoyance from your partner, the very first step is to identify what kind of problem it is, it might be a low level conflict and your anger and ignorance can make that problem a bigger and unforgettable unforgivable fight. Everyone gets irritated annoyed for their own specific reasons and those are valid as well. And this might make them unable to feel happier or feel laughter, positive vibes. May be they need their own space and time.

Read: Anger – not a good emotion

The worst distance between two people is ” misunderstanding”.

Better to avoid misunderstanding.

Blaming your partner for your discomfort or irritation is unfair and leads to unnecessary suffering for you both, so never do that. Listen to each other and acknowledge each other’s opinion. Remember, we all are different, in our opinion, in our likes dislikes, different thoughts, and many more characters. So don’t expect them to be like you or the way you want. Embrace the way they are they way you are. If you want that unique character in your life , make efforts together and if don’t then don’t ruin the best memories you had together.

Have better understanding of being different.

Be an encourager not a criticizer

See you soon ! Till then be better. Listen, understand, you always gain by giving love.

You can do better!

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog, the views and opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of people or organization that I may or may not be related with unless stated explicitly. The content is copyrighted solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about. This blog just provides a snapshot of the knowledge, views, and opinions that I hold at a particular point of time and these might most probably change over a period of time. I reserve the right to evolve my knowledge, thoughts, and viewpoints over time and to change them without assigning any reason. Comments are welcome. However, note that, tasteless and insulting comments may be deleted. Any personal remarks and attacks may be deleted. The same holds true for off-topic comments. Any comments that reek of link spam or marketing messages WILL be deleted.
I am not responsible for the content in comments other than those made by me, or in blogs or other online content that I may link to.

Anger – not a good emotion

In  some situations we lose our temper, but it is only later then we realise our stupidity. By then it is too late. How can we control our anger? Anger is a certain level of unpleasantness, both for you and everyone around you. Most of the time you suffer more than your victim. And when you get angry you could to the most idiotic things of your life. Yes or no?  It’s definitely not intelligent way to exist. Being angry or getting angry about something or the other comes from a strong sense of likes and dislikes. This comes from very deep identification with a certain way of thinking and feeling which according to us is the best way to live, think and feel. When someone is not in line or when someone is not agree with what we says or do … with our actions..  with that we get angry with them. Anger is something we are creating so why are you creating something that you do not want? This is because we are ignoring ourselves. 

Read: Human – Heart connection

As I said earlier that anger is a certain level of unpleasantness both for us and the people whom we love we care around … Anger is not only damaging the external situation around us but it is also damaging the internal situation within us . People are causing enormous amount of anger within and creating health problem for themselves. Do you ever think.. why we are doing this knowingly?  Accordingly consequences will happen for external situations as well. 

Look it in this way for every action that you perform there is a consequences and we cannot avoid the consequences, when we cannot avoid the consequences … actions should be controlled. They can be controlled only if we are in a controlled manner with ourselves with the people around ourselves. When one is in perfect balance only then we can perform our actions still there are always consequences. And sometimes, most of the time we get failed to control our actions. There are enough consequences in the life processes as it is, so why to create new consequences for ourselves? Just by creating the thing which doesn’t exist. 

Do not let your anger lead to hatred, as you will hurt yourself more than you would the other.

The worst thing happens when situations around as are rotten. If situations around you are hopeless, it is all the important more important that you keep yourself as beautiful as possible and see how to make the situation happen the way you want. whatever you are, that is what you will spread around you. If you are angry, you will spread anger. If you’re happy, you’ll spread happiness… With anger more unpleasantness will come into the situations around you.. at work and home, would you like to live with angry people, or peaceful and joyful people? Obviously you would want to live with peaceful and joyous people. Have you ever tried to know the intensity of joy or love… the energy behind those two words.. you know what love and compassion can do? They  can also profile into your actions very gently very wonderful and very effectively. Please remember everyone around you is expecting the same thing. Every human being around you is always expecting to live and work with people who are peaceful and joyful. 

Read: Managing Mindset

If by getting angry at someone or something solves the problem, then by all means go ahead and lash out. The consequences is you are only compounding the problem, and one thing will lead to another, in the end, you’ll end up with a bigger problem.

Be silent. . in the heat of anger.


Think about it. It’s not something we are not aware, but still we do. Reminding you all taking care of your words and your actions created by unpleasantness.. . . especially now a days… During this period of lockdown… Tho we all are with are loved ones,family members or may be some of you are alone and far away from your family.. avoid daily misunderstanding and the anger within you. Try to overcome such situations by any way you can. . The thing which is not coming within you… it’s something which doesn’t exist within us… it’s something which entangled by something around us. 

Read: Feel the good ones

You can do better!

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog, the views and opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of people or organization that I may or may not be related with unless stated explicitly. The content is copyrighted solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about. This blog just provides a snapshot of the knowledge, views, and opinions that I hold at a particular point of time and these might most probably change over a period of time. I reserve the right to evolve my knowledge, thoughts, and viewpoints over time and to change them without assigning any reason. Comments are welcome. However, note that, tasteless and insulting comments may be deleted. Any personal remarks and attacks may be deleted. The same holds true for off-topic comments. Any comments that reek of link spam or marketing messages WILL be deleted.
I am not responsible for the content in comments other than those made by me, or in blogs or other online content that I may link to.

Celebrate real bond

We as humans constantly make and break relationships. Unfortunately relationships can make and break human beings too. 

Relationships! We can’t live with, we can’t live without them. Why are relationships such a circus for most of us? And how do we keep this bond from turning into bondage?

Read: Relationship goals

In today’s blog I am going to talk about something about  connection, attachment and expectations in our relationships… How we emotionally connect with each other ? How we emotionally attach with each other ? and and Why we expect in our relationships? Do we form and maintain relationships to fulfill our needs, or  do we do it to express our joy? Every relationship, everything has something to give and everything has something to take.

Read: STOP Pretending !

Let’s first talk about connection… 

Physical intimacy & chemistry is great, but having an emotional connection with someone is an  amazing feeling,say quite incomparable. And when you have that nothing quite like it, is it? Do you have emotional connection with your partner? Do you have Partner ? or maybe you have someone there in your life ? then find out!  Determine Do you feel an emotional connection with that person? I know in Initial stage it is quite confusing to identify to know if you do have any emotional connection with each other. When you have a genuine connection with someone It reflect every aspect of your life and you are not wearing to reveal a  strange weird side of yourself to that person. You know that, how weird your habit is, your partner is not going to judge you. generally, men have been taught to keep their emotions to themselves, and told not to cry. But In healthy relationship, where you share a deep connection, you have created such a space that your partner feel safe to share his emotions with you (and so you do)… no matter what he’s going through. Also, when it comes to life it is important, you are each others priority. when you share a true emotional connection with someone, you put that person first, not as an obligation but just because you want to. 

Second most important is attachment,

Do you think emotional attachment means lack of freedom, that tied  to someone habits and belief and tend to avoid change and anything new? Loving someone or attached to someone is interlinked but they are partially different from each other. We humans are easily attached- attached to objects, events, people, our personal belongings, routine, environment, almost everything. We tend to feel self-centered, to feel our needs with these particular things. Let’s talk about a kind of attachment towards people. We tend to get attached to people because of how they let us feel. we always believe that we like or we are supposedly in love with this particular person, when in fact we are simply attached to them. You love how they always make you feel. we usually pursue relationship with people because we are comfortable with them and so it drives us to stay… (….the whole context of attachment). Why we  stay? We stay because we feel appreciated, we get attention, we feel special, we get complimented. 

We are trying to find our needs and we usually needs attention and we love being in this kind of state. As humans, love is part of our needs. We need Love. Love is not demanding, not desperate and less self-centered – it’s where you feel the need to protect and love regardless of whatever it is. Our family, and this is not just typical mother and father. This could be friends, anyone who you call your family. we complete each other and we could do anything for our family because a bond was built as its foundation. Some goes for that particular person- we don’t disregard flaws but then we accept them. Attachment is where you feel the need to talk to this person, you need to feel happy, you need to feel love. Love doesn’t need that all, it’s unreasonable and impulsive. 

Read: choiceschanges

Lastly but not the least, lets talk about expectation… a lot is already been said .. expectation!

We expect because we want happiness, we love and we expect love from them in return. We faces many challenges in life because we feel to learn to accept people for they truly are. Don’t have high expectations at one point or another, only to be disappointed when things do not turn out the way we want it. When those expectations are not met, we need to keep in mind the way it affects us. Now how is expectation effect relationship? Any relationship can be damaged, because it’s not fair to put an unachievable standards on your partner, family members, friends or close friends. In the end, both individuals are affected and get disappointed towards each other. I think, these expectations are fantasies and false hopes that ruin your idea of a partner. Carrying higher expectations in a relationship can take shape in few days. for example a man expect to his wife to take care of house and chores in the same way as his mother did, but to avoid such issues one should never compared to their partners parent. And this is vice versa. This is unfair and unrealistic. It’s OK to expect some of traits, but if you expect to be as a polished as your parent, you are holding them up to win an unachievable expectation. Now, there is expectation of change, expecting the unexpected! Why we do this? I feel it is also very damaging, if you expect changing your partner. What motivates you that they you change someone? It happens all the time.  They begin to lose themselves. 

 To conclude, I must say, setting up unfair and unreasonable expectation on your relationship, can only lead to frustration and disappointment. it is great to setting goals in your relationship but let’s make sure these are realistic goals. Don’t just live together,  grow together! It will make your relationship more healthier than before and it will bring more happiness and more attachment more excitement more connection towards each other. Those who examine their relationships can never stay in any relationship. There have been moments of joy, sharing, oneness and of course moments of support and security but more than anything there is the fear of being alone. It is not always love which brings relationships. The fear of being alone, the fear of being losing something is the major reason why people stay together not only in marriage but in everything else. if you want to have a wonderful relationships, do not try to manage relationship, look how to enhance who you are on a level – like physically, mentally, emotionally and if you do so if you enhance yourself into a very beautiful state , I think everyone will want to hold a relationship with you. and if you continue stressing how to manage everything then , it is not going to work at all. everything else gets naturally managed if you know how to manage yourself whether it is your profession your relationship or whatever else in your life it will happen to its best only when who you are is truly enhanced. Comment what you think.

You can do better.

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog, the views and opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of people or organization that I may or may not be related with unless stated explicitly. The content is copyrighted solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about. This blog just provides a snapshot of the knowledge, views, and opinions that I hold at a particular point of time and these might most probably change over a period of time. I reserve the right to evolve my knowledge, thoughts, and viewpoints over time and to change them without assigning any reason. Comments are welcome. However, note that, tasteless and insulting comments may be deleted. Any personal remarks and attacks may be deleted. The same holds true for off-topic comments. Any comments that reek of link spam or marketing messages WILL be deleted.
I am not responsible for the content in comments other than those made by me, or in blogs or other online content that I may link to.

Letting go of the old

Forgetting something or letting go can help us move on, it’s not so easy to forget something but try not to forget what you learned from that particular incident. It’s obvious, that everyone of us has memories that we would like to erase it may be insult, humiliation or an embarrassing situation or a disturbing incident. These memories refuses to leave us alone. It might be easier for someone to let go of these memories while others may still have difficulty to face the situation. Forgetting is important; as it helps to move on in life without holding anything against anyone or yourself for that matter, thereby keeping us calm and happy. I found that people can train themselves to forget things deliberately. Here are some possible ways to forget something you don’t want to remember:

  • Avoid making connections with the thoughts that remind of something you don’t want to think.
  • Don’t let the bad memories to change your mood; the moment you catch yourself focusing on bad , shift your thinking to a happier memory.
  • Mental exercise, a ritual to release the negative emotions trapped inside your mind
  • Be around who makes you happy , if possible travel and meet new people. Live your life fully & create good memories. You can also spend time by exploring your creativity and get included in art & crafts.
  • Talk with someone whom you trust about unpleasant memory and take their advice and views to forget something you don’t want to remember.
  • Last but not the least, you need to practice blocking the memories on a daily basis. You need to push it away from your consciousness regularly.

The challenges we face can help make us stronger, better & more prepared for success in our lives. You should understand that frustration & anger are natural emotions when going through a major transition. Give yourself some slack and time to adjust. It helps to prepare yourself for unexpected jolts now and then.

When you focus on here & now, you have less time to think about the old. And bring yourself gently back into the present moment. Forgetting or forgiving is not about weakness. It’s a way of tangibly letting go. I know this stuff is hard and that it’s incredibly hard to let go of one’s pain. But it’s not healthy it adds to our stress, it hurts one’s ability to focus, study & work.

Do something different today & welcome happiness back into your life.

You Can Do Better!

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog, the views and opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of people or organization that I may or may not be related with unless stated explicitly. The content is copyrighted solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about. This blog just provides a snapshot of the knowledge, views, and opinions that I hold at a particular point of time and these might most probably change over a period of time. I reserve the right to evolve my knowledge, thoughts, and viewpoints over time and to change them without assigning any reason. Comments are welcome. However, note that, tasteless and insulting comments may be deleted. Any personal remarks and attacks may be deleted. The same holds true for off-topic comments. Any comments that reek of link spam or marketing messages WILL be deleted.
I am not responsible for the content in comments other than those made by me, or in blogs or other online content that I may link to.