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Facts about jaggery powder and sugar

Jaggery, popularly known as Gur, made up of unrefined sugar. It is commonly used in Indian households on daily basis. Jaggery is an excellent source of healthy sweetener. On the other hand, sugar is not considered as healthy sweetener. We all love some amount of sweetness at least once in a while. So, we need to be aware about the facts & benefits of jaggery powder and sugar. Indeed it is advisable to stay away from sugar because eating too much of added sugar can have few negative health effects.

Excess of sweetened foods and drinks can lead to weight gain , increased risk of heart diseases and fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Nowadays, food manufacturers add sugar to many products that are not good for our body, because it can leads to person’s blood sugar levels to high level. So, go through the guidelines given that one should limit sugar intake in a day. Approximately per 100 grams of sugar contains 387 calories. As per the study, on an average adults are consuming estimate amount of 77-100 g of added sugar every day, which is more than the recommended . Meanwhile children are consuming close to 83 g every single day.

Recommended daily intake of carbohydrates

Apart from that, carbohydrates acts a fuel to body that provide energy throughout the day. The body breaks down the food containing carbohydrates into glucose, which can later absorb by bloodstream. Some amount of glucose is required by brain (Central Nervous System) to function properly, also by red blood cells. Our body uses carbohydrates as a energy source. Some sugars like fructose, sucrose, lactose occur naturally in foods and drinks. On the other hand added sugar are something which is added in foods that are not naturally occurring. As per the research it is found that the daily intake of carbs for adults and children of over one year age is 130 grams. (45-65% of calories should be carbohydrates). Children of age 2-18 Should consume less than 25 g of sugar a day.

Here are some health benefits of jaggery powder

  • Jaggery is rich in fibre, it makes bowel movements easier and relieves in constipation.
  • It activates digestive enzymes and facilitates digestive functions by reducing pressure on intestines.
  • Jaggery is rich in iron, calcium, magnesium.
  • It has all the original minerals because it is unrefined sugar.
  • Jaggery purifies the blood and cleanses the respiratory tract, digestive tracts and the lungs.
  • It also eliminates the toxins from body.
  • Improves the immunity.
  • Acts as anti-allergic.
  • Are rich in antioxidants, fights from asthma and lung infections, sore throats etc.
  • Used as remedy for respiratory illness.

Some tasty ways to include jaggery powder in diet

  • Instead of sugar use jaggery in tea or milk
  • You can experiment jaggery powder with your breakfast oatmeal and cereals.
  • For dishes like kheer, use jaggery instead of sugar
  • You can simply consume small amount of jaggery block after you meals.
Nachni / Ragi laddu and biscuits or cookies made using finger millet, sugar and ghee. It’s a healthy food from India. Served in a bowl or plate with raw whole and powder.


Jaggery is good for your sugar cravings without effecting your sugar levels. Organic Jaggery is completely devoid of harmful chemicals which are used during the time of cultivation and processing. Always monetize your sugar intake throughout the day, make sure you use jaggery powder instead of sugar in your dishes. Jaggery is also good for your weight loss journey because it has no trans fats. Trans fats are the reasons of weight gain. Let me tell you one more fact- consuming too much of jaggery may cause cold, nausea and headache or vomiting etc. Too much of anything can increase weight, jaggery also contains small amount of fats and proteins. That’s all for this blog, hope this will help you in some way. Don’t forget to share your thoughts. Eat healthy and stay blessed. Till then enjoy. You can do better!

Recommend Reading- Fill your plate: Yummy platter ideas/ Tips and food items to boost immune system

Recent Blog- Find your own closure

Pic Credit – https://www.istockphoto.com/

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent of my own based on educational research. The content is copyright solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about.

Find your own closure


This is for one with good heart. Some day you will get, what you justify. The only thing you need to do is to keep chasing your dreams and keep working on them. In this blog I’m gonna discuss about finding your own closure and how much we all suffer and struggle. I know you went through so much- it was unfair to you. It was prejudiced that no one appreciated you. No one remain by. It was biased that you struggled a lot, you struggled a lot with your mental health. People betrayed you, It was unjust that people who wronged you got away with it. It was all inequitable, but it shaped you, into the kind human, gentle and strong. Now you are so different, you have grown strong. You have changed a lot. You are built of experiences, lessons and inspiration.

Despite it all, you have kept yourself alive. Remember that you are an inspiration to the world. You have a good heart and pure soul. We all are beautiful inside and outside. You can find your own closure. Be grateful that you carried yourself very well. Being a pure soul remember that pure heart never lose. Always remember that even though it feels like you have lost something, but the truth is you are the winner. You will get everything you rate in ways you never expected. Your blessings are coming.

We all desire to our own closure

The truth is that you desire closure, you want explanations that why things happened this way or that way. We all want something that tells us that this is not our fault and that there was nothing we could have done differently. The truth behind this thought is sometimes people are not mature enough to Communicate effectively Few people don’t find it necessary to give explanations for why they did, what they did.

Human nature can be quite selfish. Sometimes we don’t get words or gentle goodbyes.

In fact, sometimes we get bland silence coated with bitter goodbyes. Understand this- that sometimes you’ve to find your own closures. You have to understand that you are actually worth so much than how you were treated. You have to stop waiting for apologies. We most likely won’t receive. And even if you still find yourself missing anyone, remind yourself that why would you ever want to associate someone who could not even be mature enough to give you explanations?

You deserve mature bonds. Bonds with respect, communication and love- and that is your closure.

Concluding- Try to find your own closure

It is necessary to find your own closure. No one will protect you from the heartbreak right around the corner. No one out there will protect you from your suffering. Suffering is inevitable, it is simply a part of being human. Remember that you can scream, cry and fill the pages of you diary and rip them out in the shreds the way your heart turned out. You have to learn to understand the process. Secondly, you have to be gentle with it the way you are gentle with the sufferings of others. Lastly, You have to take your sufferings to the path of joy and to new hopes. Thank god and you have to show it that love and laughter exists. You have to show it that you are stronger that it will be ever be. Till then, take care. You can do better!

Recommend Reading- Find BALANCE in LIFE

Recent Blog- Fill your plate: Yummy platter ideas

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent of my own. The content is copyright solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about.

Fill your plate: Yummy platter ideas

Restrictive diets, this kind of diet doesn’t last long. Don’t go for such diet ideas. Tell me- What actually makes up a balanced diet? Plate method is easy to visualize and to create meals of your taste. There are lots of food items, fruits and vegetables available in summer that add vibrant color and taste to your platter. Put the right amount of proteins, carbs, fats and tons of veggies to your platter. Recently I tried using some of herbs and edible flowers to decorate my platter all day. If you are also looking for some inspiration to have healthy and delicious bites then check out these platter ideas. These are my personal favorite. Fill your plate with these yummy platter ideas given below and tell me how much you liked them. Before we dive in, let me tell you about the importance of balanced meals. How food makes us feel good not physically but also mentally and emotionally!

life is too short to not feel great and eat well.

Vegetables, fruit, seeds, cereals, beans, spices, superfoods, herbs, condiment in wooden box for vegan, gluten free, allergy-friendly, clean eating or raw diet.

Know your plate and importance of plate method

Firstly widen your vision and feel free to have all kind of food items. Don’t just focus on nutrition alone, feel free and enjoy your food for joy, pleasure and try to connect with it. Secondly, Try to understand your body needs, when your body feels best, and how your body responds? It’s little bit confusing how to eat balanced diet? What to eat and what not. In my research and also as per the dietician review I found that there are no such foods to avoid or to keep on limits. The true definition of balanced meals is to have everything.

Give yourself permission to explore, eat and enjoy all kind of foods and allow those food items to paly a role beyond just fueling and nutrition. Try to fill your platter with every kind of food throughout the day. Discover your taste and meals of your choice. Include both macronutrients and micronutrients in your platter. Macronutrients include- Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates. While micronutrients include- Vitamins and Minerals.

Importantly, If you aim to eat a variety of different fruits and veggies, you’ll be ending covering up entire range of nutrients. Moreover, plate method is super easy and simple. There is no need to do calorie counting and cutting out any food groups. Platter or plate method gives you an guidance on how to proportion your plate. This way you can control your portions in effective manner and can know your hunger levels as well.

Protein granola bars, homemade raw energy balls, cashew butter, toasted coconut chips, fruits platter

Fill your platter with these yummy food items

  • Dried fruits and nuts
  • Olives
  • Some good quality of cheese
  • Pickled onions
  • Carrots and cucumber (cut them in sticks) I’ve tried them with humus. Try this combination.
  • Baby spinach or kale
  • Source of protein- Fish, eggs, soy, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds
  • Grains- Oats, Brown rice, wheat pasta, brown bread slices (anything of your choice make it 100% whole grain)
  • Dairy- make it low fat (less of fat serving), Low fat cottage cheese, yogurt, almond cashew soy milk


A healthy platter includes each of the food groups- fruits, veggies, grains, dairy and proteins. Every meal of yours may or may not achieve this goal or food groups but try with small amount of changes in your meals. With small changes and change in choices of food items you will be able to achieve your health goals. This is all for this one, will come soon with some more ideas. Till then eat healthy and enjoy more. Explore new dishes and feed your soul and body with some amazing food style. You can do better.

Related Articles- Tips and food items to boost immune system

Recommend Reading- 10 Anti- Aging food items

Recent Blog- Simple morning routine for better life

Pic credit- https://www.istockphoto.com/

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent of my own based on educational research. The content is copyright solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about.

Simple morning routine for better life

Morning routine : simple ideas to change your life.

Morning is one of the most important time of your day. You should start your morning in the right manner to achieve your daily goals. To start your day, all you need is a simple morning routine that will make your day bright. A perfect morning routine will boost your mind and body. I’m not asking to do much but just simple few activities will boost your mental and physical health. Fresh air and morning sun rays are very good for your health. It will help you to win your day. So let’s begin with those simple ideas. If you like this blog, don’t forget to share with your friends and family.

Start your morning with positive affirmations

Starting your day with positive affirmations can change your life entirely. At least 5-7 minutes would be enough. If you change your thoughts with more positive and creative abilities, you will be able to manage your mood and mental health. Moreover with consistent positive affirmations you can change your entire life. After you wake up, close your eyes for a minute on bed and tell yourself in your mind that this day is all yours and this is a new opportunity for you. You’re the one who can fulfill your goals. The one who can stop and move forward. Nothing will make you feel that you’re not enough. Lastly you will control your anger, jealousy and dwelling on negative thoughts. You will help others in whatever way possible.

Simple morning routine ideas.

Meditation and prayer

Second most important activity is meditation and prayer. Try to start your day with simple morning prayer and a few minutes of meditation. Prayer and meditation are the best tonic for mental health. Meditation helps you to boost your imagination with more creative ideas. It helps you to change your thought process which is most important for your happiness. Morning time is fresh and quiet so you must explore new ideas. Meditation helps you to reset your mind and reduces stress and strain.

Being grateful in morning

Thirdly, be grateful to your life and opportunities. Be grateful for whatever you’ve, your strength and spirit. Thankful to your friends and family. Morning is the best time to think about and be grateful to others. Thank God for this life. Decide that you will give your every day, your energy and efforts to make your life full of success and happiness. Always try to appreciate yourself because nobody else is going to do it. Be grateful for whatever happens to you. The more you find gratitude, the more your life will be successful and happy. Tell your mind that you’re not going to give up and you will do something amazing this day and everyday in your life.

Simple morning routine ideas.

Avoid doing this in the morning routine

Morning time is an important time of your day. Don’t waste it by just spending your valuable time on social media, watching foolish and stupid stuff. The most important thing that you can do for yourself is to become aware and conscious about your surroundings. Try to connect to the unbounded and everlasting part of yourself. Breakdown the walls and overcome hurdles. You’re the artist , paint it with your colors, joy, happiness and whatever else you want. You can simply make your vision attractive and meaningful. Feed your mind with positive and productive ideas. Don’t fill it with negative and sinking thoughts. Many times these negative thoughts are the reasons behind stress , anxiety and depression. Don’t ignore these. Don’t forget that you can heal your mind and body with simple steps like meditation and yoga. So do this. Will come up with some more amazing ideas and tips, till then do better. You can do better!

Recommend reading – Self-healing>>Reparent yourself/ Self Attestation/ Life changing advice 2

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent of my own. The content is copyright solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about.

Self-healing>>Reparent yourself

Why Self-healing is important?

Self healing is important at the same time it is something which comes with practice. It is the practice of learning, learning how to meet your own needs. How many of you are informed of this? Do you know how to meet your call? Very few of us know how to find ways to handle emotion, to connect more authentically with yourself and with others. In the past three months I was working on this and I found some activities and habits which were helpful for me. Self healing is something which we all need to know about. It is not as easy as it seems. We all broke, feel depressed, and are less motivated sometimes.

Sometimes it feels like taking a nap all day. Other days setting a boundary with the surroundings. Or pausing life activities. The practice of self caring is a beautiful act of self discovery as you learn to be a wise loving parent to yourself. Read the blog to know about how to reparent yourself!

It’s easy to feel helpless these days, with everything that’s going on in the world.

Controlling things

Sometimes, it’s too much for one person to handle. While it is true that deeply rooted structured problems cannot be solved by independent action. There are things we always have control over. There are small steps we can take today that can turn into big changes later on. That can have a positive impact not just for us, but for others as well. There are things which you need to control :

Don’t let one setback color your day- Pause and feel it, then keep going. Create space to realize what you’ve been holding together for a while, all the hours of mental and physical exertion without not nearly enough break time or very often zero time. The hours of worry you’ve been trying to solve. Below are some truths that you should embrace. Save it for later.


We always say that spending some time offline can be good for you, But if you want to heal by some ideas on internet then fill your feed with inspiration, find support. There are a lot of opportunities to enrich your mental, physical and emotional health online. But don’t forget to give yourself a time limit and make such moment enjoyable for you. On Internet find a supportive community, listen to podcasts or watch videos you are interested in. Reject or unsubscribe accounts that don’t make you feel good. Take advantage of self care applications and tools. Be gentle with yourself. You can do better!

Also read – How to handle your thoughts and emotions / Tips to build mindful habits / Simple morning routine for better life

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent of my own. The content is copyright solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about.

Tips and food items to boost immune system

What is immune system?

This is the system which protects our body from infections and diseases. It is important for our survival. If our immune system is not good then our bodies would be more prone to get attack from bacteria viruses and more. This is our immune system which protect us from bacteria and pathogens and keeps us healthy. The main function of this to fight against the diseases causing germs and changes in our body. So there are some healthy ways to keep your immune system strengthen. Also going to discuss some food items that will boost your immunity.

Tips to boost immune system

  • Stop smoking because it leads to respiratory tract infections and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Do Daily exercise and have a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables
  • Get enough sleep of 7-8 hours/ day
  • Stay hydrated, drink plenty of water
  • Less stress and more laughter
Daily exercise, plenty of sleep and stress management

There are some researches which shows that deficiency of micro nutrients like zinc, folic acid, iron and vitamins can alter immune response in body. What next? Make sure you eat balanced diet comprises of fruits, veggies, lentils and curd. Along with that Intense exercise and plenty of sleep. If you don’t like vegetable then you can also go for multivitamins and supplements. There are some products (herbal) which claims to boost the health of immune system, further there are no such evidence that they really boost immunity. But there no such reports because this is complex process. Secondly, stress is difficult to define in modern scenario. When people are exposed to stressful situation, it is difficult for them to measure stress. How much stress they feel? There is a direct relationship between stress and immune system. If you want to have a good immunity? be stress free. It sounds easy but difficult to manage. But one small step can might help you in big way.

Food items to include

Citrus fruits, Almonds, broccoli, spinach, sunflower seeds, red bell peppers and yogurt. These all are consider as good source of Vitamins and minerals. Feed yourself with these kind of food items for healthy immune. If you choose supplements, be sure of the quantity and consult your doctor before consuming them. Above all garlic and ginger also have amazing immune properties. Both of these are helpful for reducing the cases of inflammation. Ginger is helpful for the cases of nausea. One should must include these two ingredients in meals. Spinach and broccoli, these two make great combo to be include in salads.

Turmeric is also among the one which posses great anti-inflammatory properties. This is the key ingredients in Indian cuisine. Research shows that the component present in turmeric is good for muscle building and as immune booster. Last but not the least is yogurt. There are flavored yogurt in stores as well, but try to consume the plain one. Because those flavored one are loaded with artificial sweeteners which is not good for health. Yogurt is also a good source of vitamin D, which helps to regulate immune system.

Food ingredients to boost immunity.

Read – 10 Anti- Aging food items/ What are Antioxidants and how they are important for your body?/ Fill your plate: Yummy platter ideas


Variety of food items is the key to good immunity. It is the key to proper nutrition. Including only one or two ingredients in your diet will not help. Pay attention to your portions of meals. Try to know the standard size and recommendations of daily intake so that not too much of any ingredients and not too much less of them you will consume. Start with this basic tips and most importantly stick to whatever you decide. Be aware of seasonal flus and infections. Get yourself vaccinated as soon. If this blog seems helpful to you share with others. Thanks for being here. You can do better!

Pic credit- https://www.istockphoto.com/

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent of my own. The content is copyright solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about.

Tips to build mindful habits


It’s very difficult to build mindful habits to lead a successful life. Not everyone knows how to create a mindful habit daily that gives you more moments of being present throughout the day. In our daily life many of us forget to perform our daily activities on time. The best method to make use of your valuable time is writing all your daily activities and doing them on time. If you want to be productive throughout the day there are some habits (mindful habits) that you can develop and also going to list down some habits that might destroy your motivation in the process. Read the blog till the end to find how to have mindful habits.

Make things simple and build mindful habits

Now since we all have a smartphone, you can just note down whatever it is in a notepad app or maybe you can create a shelf on the screen of a cell phone that will keep reminding you of your to-do list on time. By creating some bullet points of all the things that you need to do throughout the day that includes everything from emails that you need to reply to all the things around the house, your important work in the office, your grocery shopping or anything, you can complete your task efficiently and on time.

Investing in relationships is an mindful habit

We need to invest ourselves in relationships and to create time so that we can connect with them. In the present scenario some of us may be walking far away from our home. People may be studying in other states so technology has been developed that allows us to see others and communicate easily. So we need to find a few seconds, a few minutes to call our family members and loved ones. Talk a few words about the day about the things that happened. Try to have healthy communication with the people whom you love, with people whom you trust, and with people whom you care about. So, remember to connect with the people and invest some quality time in your relationships on a daily or monthly basis. This mindful habit will make you invest in your relationships deeper and make bonds stronger.

Indian woman laughing at funny joke eating pizza with diverse coworkers in office, friendly work team enjoying positive emotions and lunch together, happy colleagues staff group having fun at break

Being not a multitasker

Third mindful habit should be doing things one by one and not being a Multitasker. If you do different tasks at a time you will end up messing things, almost everything. As per human nature we do certain things for some results for some benefits. How often do you do something just for fun, for your happiness or for your entertainment? Trying something of your interest just for your happiness or your fun will help you get rid of your ego and you just do it from your heart, it can deeply nourish you from inside.

Above all, we do have some emotions, thoughts and feelings which we feel throughout our day in our daily lives. But in the journey many of us have been through such feelings and many times we are unable to feel them. So all I want to say is feel those feelings and follow whatever helps you. Just make sure that you release your emotions because holding up your emotions will creates some traumas in your body which is not good for you. Also it can lead to certain mental or physical pain. So releasing our emotions is important for our Wellness.

Habits play an important role in our success and happiness in life.

Be a parent to yourself, a good habit

Above all one should learn how to build mindful habits in life because you are the only person who can stop yourself from bad habits by replacing them with certain good habits that might help you in certain processes. With a positive attitude and good habits you can achieve your goal easily, also you’ll enjoy the process. With certain bad habits and with certain negative patterns there might be reasons for unhappiness and failure in your life. And in that situation many of us blame the people around us for being unhappy.

If you are one of them? Then this might help you because I am going to explain some tips by which you can get rid of those bad habits and get successful in life. Firstly, stop thinking that you are not good enough, don’t be afraid of disappointing people. Because this comes into the action when you start thinking and expecting the worst.

Motivational and Inspirational Quote. Great Things Never Came From Comfort Zones. Paper Card On Nature.

Stop negative self-talk

There are some bad habits that might destroy your motivation. One of them is negative self-talk. Never ever do negative self-talk with you. Try to boost your self confidence, regain your power, give a code message to yourself that you are always there for you no matter whatever is happening around and try to have an honest conversation. Remember the power is within you. It’s all in our mind and it is very important to constantly remind yourself that you can change whatever is happening.

Because when you start changing how you think about certain situations and circumstances, things get better and you will start see options around. You will not get stuck. Will be not a victim and you will solve everything easily by having solutions to certain problems. So the answer is always within you. The only thing we need to do is to regain our power and think calmly.

Beauty is watching herself in the mirror

You need to push yourself, you need to be a parent to yourself in order to learn a new behavior to do something difficult and to do something uncertain. Lastly, if you need to get rid of your bad habits and negative traits you need to practice stress management and meditation. Well the first step to to stop anything which is not good for you is to understand what you are dealing with?

Sometimes, when I get stressed out, what I do is 5-7 deep breaths, reset my energy and enter the house, and I make sure that I’ll be nice to people around me. No matter what I’m going through. Will think about my problems later and will definitely find solutions. And the best thing that you can do is- whenever you get stressed out, about your problems, ask your parents, go to your friends, the family members. Be around them and talk to them. You will feel better.


Try to entertain yourself, try to have fun. This might not help you to find a solution. But it will definitely make your mind calm and you’ll be able to think properly. Don’t think too much, don’t make it so hard on yourself by gripping everything so tight. Lastly, never ever compare yourself to others. We all are unique and have creative abilities. Try to build healthy mindful habits by using the above tips. Let me know are they helpful. Thank you for being here. You can do better!

Also read – 1. Feeling of NOT DOING ENOUGH 2. Notice good things 3. Life changing advice 2 4. Managing Mindset 5. How to handle your thoughts and emotions

Pic Credit- https://pixabay.com/

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent of my own. The content is copyright solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about.

10 Tips to live smart with money

Now this is something which we all need to know regarding our money and budgeting. Creating a personalized budget may sound little challenging for you, so here are some tips that might help you to create one. If you want to live smart with your money then you need a budget. Six months ago I’ve created one and that saved me a lot. Sharing some tips with you all. Developing right habits while spending money is the key to live smart. You’ll learn how to budget step by step and how to avoid mistakes while doing. Likewise, make sure to stick with it. Jump in, design your budget with tips given below.

Create a budget and live smart with money

Firstly, ask yourself why you want a budget. Budgeting is a great decision I would say, it’s good to define your goals and give it a direction. Some research have been shown that budgeting help one to achieve certain goals fast as compared to those who invest emotionally and get cheated. There’s no need to think about your motivation while planning your budget. Our psychology plays a vital role how we handle our money. So before you get into your budgeting process first of all know your spending habits currently. Try to create a realistic budget not a wish list. Secondly, note them all. Write your all expenses in a notebook or in a excel sheet. It helps to track your spending habits. Use a calendar to notice unwanted and irregular expenses.

Budgeting is a great decision. If not followed you might face financial crises. Pic: unsplash.com

Prepare your meals at home

I know it’s very expensive to eat healthy. Try to avoid supermarket shopping. Shop local at affordable price and local vendors. Planning few meals will might help. Go for nutritious and filling snacks and foods, instead of buying packet of chips and chocolates. Plan meatless meals, go for plant based meals thrice a week. Package products like lentils, grains and dried beans, avoid buying family packages and get them on cost per unit. That would be beneficial. Don’t forget to compare the products while shopping. Avoid buying food items that need longer shelf life. Avoid buying ready to eat stuff. Stretch yourself to get fresh greens and veggies. Prepare your salads and meals at home with all above items.

Shop veggies from local markets.
Avoid buying ready to eat food packages. Make your meals at home. Pic: unsplash.com

Make your own gifts

Buying gifts online and offline for occasions and for friends might be challenging to stick within your budget. There are so many ideas nowadays to make your own gift at home. Like candles, clutches, hand embroidery stuff, chocolates and snacks (cookies, breads) and lots of fun stuff. Creating gifts at home will benefit you in two manner. First creating gifts of your own and gifting them to loved ones will develop a connection with them. Secondly it will not affect your budget more. Gifting items will be in your budget if you design or create them of your own.

Rent out your extra space

This is in trend nowadays. Renting your extra space online or offline will benefit the needy one and it will be something your another source of income as well. So think about it and discuss with the other family member and rent your extra space and earn while at home. This way you can manage your maintanence expenditure of your extra space.

Don’t waste your money on buying new smartphone

Now this something which we all do. Some people often change their cellphones on yearly basis or say once in six month. Now this is something to stop asap. Think twice before buying new smartphone and ask yourself do you really need this or not? If not then don’t. It will save your money. We spend our money buying stuff most of the time to be in trend, fancy and to impress people in society, friends and colleagues.

Read- Time Vs Money

Try to buy used products

There’s nothing bad buying second hand vehicle or furniture for your house. Isn’t it? If the product is good in condition then buy it and make some changes (renovation) if required. Sometimes, buying used products is less expensive than the new one. It can save up to 90% and might be 50%. Your money go further if you buy used products. You may be able to buy local and organic products with that saved money.

Cut unnecessary subscriptions

This is again something on which we spend our money on monthly basis. We all get subscription to many entertainment applications by paying charges monthly. Sometimes they are not useful for us and but we end up buying them unknowingly. They are also on auto renewal. And they get renewed every month deducting a certain amount. You don’t cancel even though you know that money has been deducted. So, you see what you want or what not. Cancel unnecessary subscriptions asap.

Avoid unnecessary subscriptions. Stop buying new smartphones unnecessarily. Pic: unsplash.com

Buy generic product instead of branded

We all love brands. Right? Again this is a psychological reason why we buy branded products instead of generic product. Very few know about the brands and their manufacturing and marketing policies. This is marketing strategy and not everyone of us understand that. People buy branded products not because they want, they buy them to impress others most of the time. Only few really know about branded product, features and advantages. Before you go buying branded stuff do your research well and compare branded with generic one and then shop. Shop smart dear!

Buy generic products instead of branded. Compare branded with generic one and shop wisely.
Pic: unsplash.com

Revisit your budget

Redesign your budget on monthly basis. Every month we need a different budget with minor changes. It is not necessary that what you have bought in the last month should also be needed this month or upcoming.

Stay consistent with all of above listed tips to live smart with your money

Yes, consistency is the key to live smart with your money matters. This is not the last one. Look into your expenses and cut down unnecessary expenditure soon. Shop smart, live smart and invest your money smartly. Stick to your budget plans. Slowly you will be able to manage and you will end up saving money for other valuable stuff. Enjoy and live life efficiently.

You can do better!

Recent blog- 10 Anti- Aging food items/ How to handle your thoughts and emotions

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent of my own. The content is copyright solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about.

10 Anti- Aging food items

As we all know that aging is the part of life that can’t be avoided. However with certain changes in diet and food items you eat can help to age better from inside and outside. So, here are top 10 Anti aging food items that can help you look younger and healthy.

Water –

As our body is majority made up of water, up to 60 to 70% according to some recent research it has been found that drinking enough water daily is a must to do thing which help to boost all bodily functions. Body functions include digestion, blood circulation, maintaining muscles, bones and skin. There are symptoms which indicate your body is lacking required amount of water or it is dehydrated.

  • Dryness in mouth eyes and skin
  • Feeling tired and lethargic
  • Dry hair and bad body odor
  • Dark yellow urine(if not on medication)
  • Fatigue and joint pain
  • Poor digestive system and frequent constipation
  • Poor immune system.

Water is not only required for basic survival but it is also important for good skin, hair, bones and complete body functioning. If you want to look young then start drinking enough water because water is considered as number one anti aging food item or a component.

Spinach as Anti-Aging food –

As you all know the other health benefits of spinach, Since it is very common in our meal. let me tell you that spinach is one among the top anti aging foods to consume, high in vitamins and magnesium that support your immune system from inside,. Simultaneously it is also good for your skin, bone and hairs. I must say spinach is a superfood and one should consume a good portion of spinach everyday.

Spinach as Anti-Aging food.


In my recent blog post on health and nutrition, I have discuss some amazing nutritional benefits of avocado, it is incredibly a nutritious food which contains high amount of potassium as compared to bananas. Avocados are also rich in fiber and have an amazing nutritional properties, which it is good for your skin and help you achieve your skin goals. For more health benefits of avocado check the link below.

Read for more. Nutritional benefits of Avocado

Berries ( blueberries) –

Loaded with antioxidant, high in fiber, berries are good for your skin. These are one among the healthiest food. Delicious and will gain you with number of health benefits. I’ve discussed about nutritional benefits of berries in my health and nutrition blog. Check the link below.

Read for more. What are Antioxidants and how they are important for your body?

Nuts & seeds as Anti-Aging food.

Nuts & seeds –

Almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts, consuming first thing in the morning will benefit your body with fiber, vitamins and minerals. Nuts are also good source of protein. Hand full of nuts can be very beneficial for your skin as well. Studies have shown that consuming nuts and seeds daily can prevent you from the risk of heart disease and diabetes.


I hate eating papaya initially, but after eating for a month I saw some good results on my skin and in my digestive system. Yes, papaya is rich in vitamins and minerals. Plays a vital role in fighting inflammation. It also improves digestion which ultimately lead to have healthy looking skin. It is also good source of antioxidants.

Read for more. Facts about chia seeds


Another super food after spinach for me. Being low in calories, high in fiber, antioxidants, broccoli support many aspects of human health. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is one of cruciferous vegetables that prevent type of cell damage which causes cancer. Moreover it is also rich in Vitamin C and helps the body system to produce enough collagen. Collagen is main support system for body cells.

Anti-Aging food items.

Bell Pepper –

Bell peppers are low in calories and are excellent source of Vitamin A , C , folic acid, potassium and lots of fiber. Since bell peppers are rich in vitamin c , this food item is considered as anti-aging food. So including this in your diet will boost your skin health.

Pomegranate seeds as Anti-Aging food –

These are packed with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It can prevent cell damage. Pomegranate seeds are also rich in fiber, Vitamin C and Vitamin K. Pomegranate can be your skin’s best friend if you include this in your diet. It has many anti aging properties.

Sweet potatoes ( Super Anti-Aging food)-

Sweet potato promote gut health. This also enhance brain health my friend. Also support your immune system. Sweet potatoes has some surprising health benefits. Moreover, it is also good for weight loss. It helps to impart natural glow on your skin. Due to rich in vitamin c it boost collagen production in your body which tightens your skin. Consuming this daily can help you maintain body’s need of potassium which helps in maintaining sodium level and prevent blood thickening in heart.

Sweet Potatoes and bell pepper as Anti-Aging food.

Recent blog link- Trip to Banaras – An old charm / How to handle your thoughts and emotions


This is all for this blog. Make sure you are consuming any of this food items individually or combination of any of these in your diet plans. If you’re looking for any other diet plans please include more fruit and vegetables with deep nutritional value and rich in color. Fuel your body with healthy food and slow down the signs of aging. Glow from inside. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comment section. See you there. You can do better!

Pic source- unsplash.com

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent of my own. The content is copyright solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about.

Trip to Banaras – An old charm


City of Art & Spirituality

Banaras-Varanasi-Kashi. A city older than the tradition, oldest continually inhabited place in the entire world. It has its unending spiritual grace, the river ganga gives the city its meaning, inspiration for many and fountain of life. This city tells more about reality and illuminates truth- Life and death. It does not brings new vision but enable one to see what is there already. Banaras is located in the southern area of Uttar Pradesh, fully connected with rail, air and road transport. Also well connected with the other major cities of India. The best time to visit this city is during winter season in November to February, so that one can explore every single part- Temples, Ghats and sculptures. City exhibits the combination of art, spirituality and its famous Ghats. Banaras is one of the famous sacred places for Hindus. This place is also famous for perfumes, its famous banarasi silk ( almost every Indian women Loves to wear Banarasi sarees) and authentic food items including its famous banarasi paan. Taking a boat ride and watching a sunset in the holy river ganga is more peaceful and soothing. Visit once, You’ll not regret coming again.

My first visit to Banaras

This is my first travel blog of recent trip to Varanasi, Banaras or say kashi. You can call it by any name. This was my first visit , was curious to know more about the city. My deep rooted connection with lord Shiva brings me to Banaras. I wanted to visit the famous Kashi vishwanath temple and jyotirlinga. This was my unplanned trip like I do always. I randomly booked my train tickets and accommodation as well, since I was craving hard to travel somewhere nearby. So, me and my sister decided to visit Banaras. I think this is a divine call for being a Hindu.

Varanasi railway station, Varanasi

Since, I love to travel and I always get excited for my train trips, I started packing my stuff a day before the day I was supposed to leave for trip. We got ready in the morning, booked our cab and we left for railway station. That environment of railway station makes me very happy, we walked to platform, it was a hurry walk! Soon the train arrived. We reached Banaras and we were excited for our hotel room as well. A nostalgic call I must say. We all love hotel rooms for some reasons. Our hotel was beyond our expectations and there will be a separate blog on our hotel stay. Soon we arrived at our hotel, we got freshen up and we left to ganga – Assi ghat.

Old charm of the city

There was an old charm- boats, painted with faces and advertisements, the chai wala serving chai (Tea) in kulhads ( clay cups), mithai walas ( sweet vendors). First I saw those narrow lanes of Banaras that still show the living culture, the history, presence of god in many ways. I felt blessed during the whole trip. Secondly, I saw many visitors from southern part of India like from Kerala or may be Hyderabad. This is pretty much a global place. People visit here from all over the world. We were waiting for the evening aarti, but due to covid guidelines was unable to do so. Every evening devotees stand near the ghats to pray ganga maiya. They pray with ganga aarti to maa ganga and thank her for nurturing them, cleansing them with her purifying water. So I did the same as taught. I can’t express that feeling of being blessed after touching the feet of maa Ganga.

Dashashwamedh ghat, Varanasi

Ganga Aarti, Banaras

Over the years, The ganga aarti become the must see experience in Banaras. In my view, these expectations of must see thing made me visit ganga ghat again on second day of our trip. There were young pandits wearing dhoti and kurta and stoles across the shoulders – all of them were coordinated. There hands move in synchronised manner. They were all conscious because many eyes were on them. It is amusing to watch their expressions while performing the aarti. But I felt blessed after the aarti of maa ganga. Ganga aarti is also performed at Rishikesh and Haridwar. I’ve been to rishikesh many times and that place has different fan base. It is only at few places where river Ganga is worshipped. River ganga flows from Himalayas to Bay of Bengal. But in Banaras it flows northwards direction. It is believed that river ganga is turning back to have one last look at her homeland. We Indians pray to River ganga in our minds on daily basis in our own way.

To be continued . . in next blog!

Recommend reading- Banaras city- Shri Vishwanath Mandir

DISCLAIMER: This is my personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent of my own. The content is copyright solely to the caretaker of this website. Do not copy. Also thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about.